Inta Balode, a Latvian dance critic kindly documented the whole of TDP’13 in the Journal. Her writing Tipperary Exists and Tipperary Dance platform asks: How do we keep it real? are full of interesting questions and observations. An excerpt:

“Even if the question was not posed straight forward we did talk and think about the question – who is a real artist? “Be yourself everyone else is taken”, said Susanne Bentley in her talk and this can be referred both to real artist and also real person. Also Susanne’s class in embodying movement was dealing with authentic movements and sounds each of us pronounces and how the relate and get influenced by the others, the space, the sounds, the things we see. In this context I am thinking about the concept of being special and unique – does the uniqueness lies in difference from others or in deep introspection or in sensitive communication with both inside and outside? And does thinking and working on those issues make us artists? Or self-definition makes us artists? Or degree in arts makes us artists? Or getting paid for being artists makes us artists? Or producing visible, creatively solved outcome out of reflection about life makes us real artist? So the ones just performing something what is already created are not real artists? They are just artists or regular artists? Those are just some of the questions arriving to me.”

Thanks Inta!!