Performance Videos

Here is a list of performances of my own creation,  solo or for/with others. It is by no means complete, please contact me directly for other material. Workshop/class material is on the corresponding workshop page.

Susanne’s Vimeo channel

SoloConversations Dance Collective Vimeo channel

Weird Fest performances (Brussels, April 2023)

Trailer of 3 half-hour performances with Fred Treffel on sound & video for Weird Fest @ Recyclart, Brussels. Video by Patrícia Cunha & Anna Delgado Edition by Pickpocket films.

Flock, Flock, Flock (Brussels 2020)

Flock Flock Flock – Radical Moves / Susanne Bentley

@ Festival Park Poétik 11/07/2020

Hoe bewegen menselijke dieren zich in een massa? Wie leidt, wie volgt? Wat betekent het om iemand in beweging te kopiëren? Wat gebeurt er als we worden geobserveerd? Beweging improvisatie workshop & performance.

How do human animals move en masse? Who is leading, who is following? What does it mean to copy someone in movement? What happens when we are observed? Movement improvisation workshop & performance.

Comment les animaux humains se déplacent-ils en masse ? Qui dirige, qui suit ? Que signifie copier quelqu’un en mouvement ? Que se passe-t-il lorsque nous sommes observés ? Atelier d’improvisation de mouvement et performance.

Filmrealisation by KNEPH – Evert de Maeyer en Sietske de Vries

Pole Fusion Competition (Brussels, Nov 2014)

One of many short performances in my role as MC/host of the Pole Fusion Competition @ La Venerie, Watermael-Boisfort.

The Grave is Yawning trailer (Brussels 2014)

This trailer is part of the material for SoloConversations Dance Collective’s upcoming performance.

The Grave is Yawning from soloconversations on Vimeo.

Body Rhymes – ImproXchange Festival (Berlin Aug 2014)

Body Rhymes is an exploration into the world of spoken word poetry and its possible combinations with the body. How can spoken word be looped with unspoken word & movement? How does the body rhyme? It is an either partly or fully improvised solo performance that is adapted to the site or context it is performed in- a ‘set’ of spoken word poems in text and movement. The duration is adaptable also to context.

In August 2014 I extended my research into the black box/stage territory – what happens when I take away those inspiring artworks? Where else can I find inspiration? I received a Short Term Residency (5 days) & performance in Berlin’s ImproXchange Festival to find out.

Body Rhymes – premiere performance

The premiere of Body Rhymes was a parcours performance in the Koninklijk Musee voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerp in July 2013 as part of Jongbloed! Festival – interacting with the modernist artworks in the exhibition.

Body Rhymes is an exploration into the world of spoken word poetry and its possible combinations with the body. How can spoken word be looped with unspoken word & movement? How does the body rhyme? It is an either partly or fully improvised solo performance that is adapted to the site or context it is performed in- a ‘set’ of spoken word poems in text and movement. The duration is adaptable also to context.

Improvisation research duo

Movement quality research done with SoloConversations Dance Collective in Aug 2011, led by Boris Cossio. Duo with Agostina D’Alessandro.

Evolve – Trailer version

From SoloConversations Dance Collective premiere season of ‘Evolve’ (Brussels), with musicians Christophe Lagneaux, Evgeny Makarov & Takie K.

Pink Ribbon Conga – Bal Moderne, Aug 2010

Excerpt of “Pink Ribbon Conga” choreographed by Susanne Bentley, Sophie Beyne & Filip Bilsen for the Pink Ribbon charity- raising awareness of breast cancer.


Social project I was part of, performing as warm up for the Barbatuques, Nov 2013.

Dancers! video capture session: Brussels, April 2009


Dance 1

Dance 1

SoloConversations @ Rosas Performance space- Brussels, July 2010

Bal Moderne – Codessa

Bent Object interview on “Winning…” for Buda Fresh festival 2007

Untitled – @ Novanoise studios (Novamove event 25 Oct 2007)

Experiment with the audience naming my improvisation after it’s finished. I was interested in how each individual in the audience saw what I did differently. Titles were shared at the end.