Wise ‘n’ Wild
wise moves & expressive grooves (+60)
This contemporary movement class is based on Release Technique, floor work and improvisation. The focus is on recognising & respecting our bodies are different the older we get, and incorporating that wisdom into our dancing while playing with our limits and individual expression.
The first foci are joint mobilisation, strength, stability & alignment. The more grounded and mobile we are in our bodies, the more prepared we are to dance boldly. We also look at working economically in movement through emphasis on direction, sequencing, impulse and fluidity.
The classes usually start by warming up at ground level: strengthening arms and centre through travelling horizontally we can move fluidly and economically on all levels. We then transition into verticality: working on alignment (incl. Alexander Technique exercises) and thoroughly mobilising feet, legs, arms and spine through contemporary set material. Improvisational material is also introduced – working on specific techniques or images (incl. Skinner Releasing) with which to spark our creativity and improvise together.
Then the floor is open to remix everything we have learnt with the unknown – improvisation, games and random musical choices to go wild with. Let’s go crazy! Wise ’n’ Wild is a playful, supportive environment to explore our physicality. Participants should come expecting to be challenged and have fun.
“Thanks again for this wonderful week, for the music and for your thoughtful teaching-style! “- G. Zrost
“Dein Workshop war für mich spannend, faszinierend und wirkungsvoll…Ich nehme wichtige Erfahrungen mit und das Tanzen wird mich in Zukunft sicher öfters begleiten.” – E. Friedli
“That which does not kill us, only makes us stranger.” – Aeon Flux