What would be the most exciting goals, fitness or otherwise, you could set for 2020?
Do you have trouble making those New Year’s resolutions stick? Join Susanne Bentley to find out how to do & be everything you want in the coming year. Take away tips and tricks from Creative Consciousness coaching to help you achieve your goals.
The workshop will be a small & personalised process, with time spent digging deep to find out what would really make your year the best one yet. After you acknowledge your achievements in 2019, Susanne will support you in creating achievable goals for 2020 aligned with your values.
You will discover how to change your mindset, to break patterns and beliefs that might hold you back from making them happen. Within the group we will share experiences (as much as we wish) to support each other moving forward. Participants are asked to bring curious, open minds to the process, and all their wishes and desires for 2020!
Material will be presented in EN. NL & FR are welcome, use the language you feel most comfortable in. Susanne speaks all three so translation is easy.
Are you interested in offering yourself, or someone else, this possibility to shine?
Places are limited to 12 to keep the workshop personal so get in quick!
Registration closes 30 December 2019.
Feel free to contact Susanne Bentley for more details: susanne@susannebentley.com
Date: 4 January 2020
Time: 10 – 13:00
Place: Alpha Active, Goswin de stassartstraat 26, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
Price: €25 (includes coffee & tea)
Registration (via Alpha Active): https://rcur.nl/pay/O9Llp5XLQB NB: registration closes 30 December 2019!
Susanne Bentley (NZ/BE) is a contemporary dancer, teacher, choreographer & coach, working with others and on her own projects in New Zealand and Europe since 1996. She teaches contemporary dance and improvisation for companies, universities and studios, to all ages and levels. She loves sharing the joy of movement with everyone.
Susanne is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) ACC accredited life coach with Consciousness Coaching and Creative Consciousness. She has also graduated as a C-IQ Enhanced Skills Coach (Conversational Intelligence® Certification) through the CreatingWE Institute/WBECS.
Her background in coaching and her journey since 1996 as a professional dancer and teacher inform her artistic, body-based coaching.
She also completed a post-graduate diploma in Functional Training in June 2019 to become a personal trainer. Her coaching, under the label Radical Moves stands for self expression: whether it’s through moving your body, pursuing an artistic goal, or simply creating your life so that your true self can shine.
More info: https://susannebentley.com/coaching/