Play Space – Movement Improvisation (open level)
Play a state of openness to explore, feel, test, fail, get better… a frame for experiencing the world. Play allows your natural creativity to surface: as John Cleese says, “it’s a relaxed open mode”.
What makes you unique as a mover? How can you expand your palette of movement possibilities? What options are there for dancing with others?
The essence of Play Space is to help people connect their own improvisational movement style & presence. Inspired by Al Wunder’s Theatre of the Ordinary, the work of Andrew Morrish and Ruth Zaporah’s Action Theater, this class promotes an experiential way of learning. Participants discover what they like doing, what they like seeing and take responsibility for noticing and developing their own style of moving and interacting.
We start warming up the body using a variety of images and exercises focused towards certain themes for each day. We discover how to generate material instantaneously and explore different ways to interact with others using tools of time, space, rhythm, energy etc. The practice, in small or large groups, also includes learning by doing and watching others. This is an essential part of the process of appreciating each person’s uniqueness as dancers and recognising our aesthetic preferences, to further improve our play experience.
Play Space is a environment to recognise your creativity, learn and most importantly, have fun – otherwise why dance?!
Date: 27 March/mars 2022, 10-16hr
@ Forest Lighthouse: Bondgenotenlaan/Rue des Alliés 274, 1190 Forest/Vorst
Price/prix: €60
Registrations & info/ inscriptions & info: