Remixed Release at lunchtime @ Académie Yantra

Strength, alignment, fluidity and economy…and fun!

These contemporary classes are release technique and floor work based, and include contact (without touching this time!) and other forms of improvisation. Aspects of yoga, Alexander technique and Skinner Releasing are also often part of the class. I focus on the body’s alignment and working economically in movement through emphasis on direction, sequencing, impulse and fluidity. Part of working economically is use of the centre and internal musculature, so reinforcing and learning to access that power is a major objective also. Strengthening the upper body for contact and floor work is integrated gradually into the class. More info


Ce cours de danse contemporaine est basé sur la technique Release et le travail au sol (Floor Work), et inclure la danse-contact (sans se toucher cette fois-ci!) et autres formes d’improvisation. Des éléments de Skinner Releasing, de yoga et de technique Alexander y seront aussi souvent abordés.

La technique Release se concentre sur la respiration, le centre, l’utilisation du squelette, le placement du corps, l’utilisation et le renforcement des muscles internes plutôt que des muscles externes. On utilise la gravité, l’élan et la suspension pour donner de la fluidité et économiser son énergie.Plus d’info

For/voor/pour: advanced /gevorderden /avancés

When/Wanneer/ Quand: 7-11 March/mars/maart, 12:15 – 13:45

Location/Waar/ Lieu: Rue de la Cuve, 16b, 1050 Ixelles, Brussel/Bruxelles
tel / fax : 02.646.25.64

Price/prijs/prix: €40 per week/semaine, €9 per class/cours


Photo credits:  ImPulsTanz 2013- Karolina Miernik